This week I found a prayer that resonated with me and because I am writing the article this week, I decided to share it with you along with some thoughts…… in case it resonates with you as well!

Lord Jesus,

Unite my heart to fear your name.


I am so scattered, Lord.

Pulled in so many directions.

So easily distracted.

How quickly I forget who you are.

How quickly I forget your goodness to me.


Unite my heart, Lord.

Put it back together again.

Refocus my thoughts.

Clarify my purpose.


Grant that I should want you more than anything else.

Thank you for your many gifts, freely given.

Forgive me for loving your gifts more than I love you.

In confessing this I ask for forgiveness in Jesus’ name.


Here is my heart, Lord.

Come in and rearrange things.

Make me new from the inside out.


Thank you for loving me even when I seem to lose my way.

I love you, Lord. Do your work in me.

Teach me your ways O Lord that I may live according to your truth.

Give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name –

and honour and glorify You forever.


This reminds me of David’s heartfelt prayer found in Psalm 86:11-13 “Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your love towards me; you have delivered my soul from the depths of the grave.”

 David knew the importance of having an undivided heart when it comes to our relationship with God – to revere and honour Him above all else, living lives completely devoted to Him.

 God desires our whole heart. He wants us to seek Him above all else, and when we have an undivided heart, we are able to fully surrender to God and His will. In turn, this brings glory to His name.

 But don’t we so often find ourselves living with a divided heart – doing what we want to do even though we know it’s not what we should do – I know I can relate to Paul when he writes in Romans 7:19 “For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do–this I keep on doing”.

 If we are honest with ourselves – there are times when we say “My life is far from what I want it to be.”

 We run low on love, we find ourselves distracted, worried and easily confused. We fall prey to little temptations that lead to bigger ones. We find ourselves both disagreeing and disagreeable. We love the world more than we love God and we live in unbelief instead of walking in faith.

 And so it goes, this struggle of the soul to find rest and peace. No wonder we are frustrated.

 I saw a meme that says… we cannot walk in the sunshine of God’s presence and live in the midnight of our secret sins at the same time.
We cannot love the holy things of God and at the same time be involved in things that are contrary to His word and His will.

 Are we seeking advice and guidance from the world, or are we seeking Gods ways and truth? Let us humble ourselves and ask God to teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His truth and live according to His will.

 Friends, it is in the undivided heart that we find the peace that surpasses all understanding, and when we pray for an undivided heart, we are asking God to help us cut loose the cords that hold us to the world, so that we can be sold out to Jesus.

 Let us strive to have an undivided heart in our daily lives. It is a constant battle, but with God’s help and guidance, we can overcome the distractions and temptations that come our way. Let us follow the example of David and pray for an undivided heart, so that we may truly bring glory to God in all that we do.

 May we always seek to glorify God with all of our heart, mind, and soul. And may His name be praised forever and ever.

Much love