Dear Family of St John’s
I love my mom. She is the kindest, most compassionate, and generous person I know. She’s the person people are talking about when they say, “she’ll give you the shirt off her back”. That’s my mom. She is also the most gullible and least tech-savvy person I think I have ever met. She would agree with me here, my sister certainly does!
My sister is the one who bears the greatest responsibility when sorting out my mom’s tech issues. And she does this all the way from the UK, she’s a saint! Taking screenshots of what buttons to press where and sending voice notes with explanations, she manages to solve my mom’s tech problems. Did I mention that I love her too?
But, we were presented with an issue in the last week that was greater than screenshots and voice notes. This needed in-person tech support. The issue involved Facebook. My mom is a Facebook addict. She comments on all sorts of posts, even though both of her daughters have told her it’s best to keep your opinion to yourself on Facebook. She takes the various quizzes and tags us in everything cat related. She loves cats.
Well, this past week we were notified that her Facebook account had been ‘hacked’. Although this is the term used all the time, it was actually just cloned. Someone had created a new Facebook profile in my mom’s name with a profile picture of her cat. This person was sending friend requests to people. My sister received a friend request as well, I didn’t.
This problem was beyond long-distance support. So, I popped round to see what could be done, intending to change my mom’s password and report the cloned profile. Well, to cut a very long story short, my mom had cloned her own profile. She created a new Facebook profile without realising what she was doing. And invited my sister to be her friend, and not me! I’m feel slightly rejected by that.
We have laughed about this so much. We’re calling my mom, ‘The Hacker’.
It made me think about the fact that we are each capable of doing far more than we ever imagined possible. Sometimes we do these things without even being aware of what we’re doing. Think about the impact that other people have had in your life when they weren’t even trying… the random hug or kind word. The smile from a stranger when you were feeling a little down. Think about how you have perhaps done this for someone else without thinking about it.
And, think about how much greater an impact we could have when we intentionally share the love of Christ with those whom we encounter. When we ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and reveal to us the people who need a kind word, or a prayer. Do you ask God to show you how you can be used each day?
How would our day be different if we started off praying… Lord, show me where You want to use me… Lord, show me where I can be Your hands and show Your heart to someone in need today.
God can do amazing things through us. Things we would believe impossible if done in our own strength and ability. The Bible is full of examples. Do you think that Noah would have ever believed himself capable of building the ark and gathering the animals if it weren’t for God’s guidance?
What about Moses? He didn’t think himself capable of leading the Israelites, but God knew better. And, look at the wonderful things that happened through his obedience to God.
And then the disciples… a rag-tag group of people who weren’t really educated and didn’t have too much going for them beyond the day-to-day life they were living. Until they decided to follow and trust in Jesus. Look at what God has done through their first efforts of sharing the Good News.
God can do amazing things through each one of us, when we allow ourselves to be His instruments. He’s not limited by our insecurities or perceived lack of skill. He just needs us to be obedient and willing.
Let us pray, “Lord, show me how I can share Your love today.”
With love
Your friend and rector,