Today we are only 8 sleeps away from our Mission Fete! Our church complex is already buzzing with Fete energy. We have freezers that are stocked with ingredients for the various food stalls. Mike has been buzzing around town for the last few weeks collecting donations of goods. Meetings are happening, lists are being made and ticked off.

The busiest section of the complex at the moment is in the Annex off our main hall. This is where the White Elephant stall will be. The team running the stall this year have already started setting up all the tables and sorting through the donated items.

Electrical goods are being tested. Items that need cleaning are being cleaned. Everything is checked to see that it is in working condition. Toys have been sorted and packaged. All the donated goods are categorised and packed out in sections on the various tables. This team are working hard!

As staff we have walked through this room while all the activity is going on, and seen all sorts of things that have been donated. The phrase ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’, might come to mind. I am amazed at the variety of items that are donated. Things which you no longer have a use for, make my eyes light up!

I’ve spied some wooden children’s blocks and toys that I have my eye on. No, I don’t have young children. But, I do like to keep a drawer of toys for the young children who visit my home. This is what I tell my husband, and he rolls his eyes at me. He thinks I already have more than enough toys.

Some people might classify the items that are filling the Annex as junk. But, most of these items hold value for someone else.

God don’t make no junk!

Seeing all of the bags and boxes being unpacked has reminded me of a saying, “I know I’m somebody, ‘cause God don’t make no junk!” Have you heard that one before?

We are each so precious to God. He took care in creating us. Remember the Psalm that describes Him knitting us together in our mother’s womb? (Psalm 139) This is an act of the deepest love. When you love someone that much, you are overjoyed in them.

Think about the passage that tells us He knows how many hairs are on our head. (Luke 12:7) Taking an interest in something that small shows deep dedication and commitment to the one you love and have created.

I wonder if we truly appreciate how much we are loved by our Creator? I know we can never truly fathom the depth of His love. But, I also know that so many people don’t believe they are loved at all. Women, particularly, struggle with low self-esteem. We don’t see the value that we have.

I think many people can easily identify with some of those items that are being packed out on the white elephant stall right now. Most of the items show wear and tear. They’ve been used, maybe abused a little. They’re not sparkling new. Some are tarnished, maybe they’re slightly chipped. Not everyone sees their value.

But, that’s where the analogy ends.

There is One Who sees.

Because, for us, there is One Who truly sees us and the value we have. It doesn’t matter what life has thrown at us, how we’ve become worn in the daily struggles, whether we’re exhausted, chipped, rough around the edges, or a little tarnished.

When God looks at us, I know He sees beauty. I know He feels overwhelming love. I know He sees a priceless treasure that’s worth His Son. You are a loved and prized creation. You have worth.

I pray that we would each know this about ourselves, and see it in each other. May we see each other through the eyes of God. May we treat each other with His love.

With love

Your friend and rector
