Dear Family of St John’s

If you hear the phrase “Best for Last’ in my household, it generally means someone has something on their plate that they really don’t like! So, they’re eating that first and saving their favourite for the end. In my husband’s case, it’s always a salad or something with tomato.

When our children were small, we applied this principle in many ways. On the occasions that we had take-away meals they weren’t allowed the toy that often accompanied the meal until they’d finished eating. Chores had to be finished first, before computer time. And, they’ve pretty much followed in their dad’s footsteps with the order in which they eat what’s on their plate.

I’ve never really thought too much about the origin of that phrase, until this last Sunday as Michelle was preaching. And it made me a think.

Life has a way of throwing curveballs at us, doesn’t it? Whether it’s a difficult situation at work, a health struggle, a tough financial period, or a challenging relationship, we all face moments when things just don’t seem to go as planned. Sometimes it feels like we’ve hit a wall or that we’re running on empty, and we wonder if things will ever get better.

If you’re in one of those seasons right now, feeling like things are tough or uncertain, I want to offer you some encouragement from the story of the wedding in Cana, found in John 2:1-11. It was our Gospel reading from this last Sunday. And, I’m sure it’s a story many are familiar with – Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding.

The couple’s celebration hits a snag when they run out of wine, and it seems like the party is about to fall apart. But then, Jesus steps in (at the prompting of his mother!) and works a miracle, turning water into wine. And, not just any wine, but the best wine of the night.

Here’s the thing that stands out to me: the master of the banquet says, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now” (John 2:10).

What started as a potential crisis turned into a beautiful moment of unexpected joy, because Jesus provided the best, and the end.

And this should an encouraging reminder for us. Just as Jesus transformed the situation at the wedding into something even better than anyone expected, He can do the same for us. When we’re facing challenges or feeling worn down, it’s easy to think that we’ve already seen the best or that we’re at the end of our rope. But with Jesus, the best is often saved for last. The miracle comes when we least expect it, and sometimes it’s in the very place where we felt the most hopeless.

Maybe you’re in a season of waiting, or maybe you’re facing a struggle that feels unresolvable. I want to encourage you today to hold on, because God still has the best for you. The challenges you’re facing right now are not the end of the story. In fact, they may just be the prelude to the miracle He’s about to work in your life. Just as He took a simple jar of water and turned it into the finest wine, He can take our ordinary, everyday struggles and turn them into something beautiful and redemptive.

And ultimately, the greatest “best for last” is yet to come in the return of Jesus Christ. We live in a world where we experience glimpses of His goodness, but when He comes again, it will be beyond anything we’ve ever imagined. The trials and struggles we face now are temporary, and while God works miracles in our lives here and now, the ultimate miracle will be when He makes all things new.

Revelation 21:4 tells us that He will wipe away every tear, and there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain. That’s the ultimate “best for last” — the glorious return of Jesus and the perfect world He promises to bring. No matter how hard things may seem, take heart in knowing that our hope is anchored in a future that is certain, where the best is truly saved for the end.

The key is to trust that God is still at work behind the scenes, even when we can’t see it. He’s preparing something better for you – something that will far exceed your expectations. So, if you’re feeling worn out or discouraged, remember: the best is yet to come. God has something amazing waiting for you, even in the midst of your challenges. Keep your heart open, keep trusting, and keep believing that He’s saving the best for last.

You’re not forgotten. You’re not overlooked. God still has His best waiting for you.

With love
Your friend and rector,