
Last weekend St John’s had their annual Mission Fete! We give thanks to the Lord for the great weather and crowds and the funds raised for mission! It was wonderful to see so many folks coming in hunting for bargains, looking to support mission, or on a mission to get a bacon and egg roll! Whatever you were looking for, there was something for everyone!

The vast variety of items on offer is always a testament to the generosity of the St John’s congregation. From the stores of books and White Elephant “artifacts” to all the groceries and food donated, everyone had something to give. Even those affected by the power outage didn’t let this stop them from finding a way to deliver the baked goods they had promised!

And of course there are those who gave of their time. The volunteers that spent hours organising the jumble, cooking, setting up the stalls, helping on the day and packing up afterwards. Without all of these volunteers, St John’s would never be able to provide such an organised and extensive spread of stalls. To everyone who helped, a Very Big THANK YOU!

The fact that the whole event is in aid of mission makes its success all the more wonderful. There are countless stories of lives being changed by the outreach of the missionaries we help support. Without the help of the various organizations around the world that provide for these missionary groups, it would be incredibly difficult for them to keep going. Although the finances are so important for keeping these mission projects going, it is the encouragement from others in the Christian community that bolsters confidence to keep working for good.

The fete has always been one of my favourite events in the St John’s calendar. Of all the church’s events the fete best shows what our community can accomplish when we all get involved. I love to see everyone taking turns to run stalls so that others can get a chance to go look around. I love the friendliness that permeates the hall despite the noise and crowds. Even the friends stopping to have a chat with a “long time no see!”, shows the importance of connection in our community. It is so important that we have this community. It is the place we can most easily go to for help and to help others.

The early church could be defined by these two things: their selflessness and their sense of community, we can try to emulate in the church of today. We can be there for one another; we can reach out to our communities together and we can know where to go when we need support. Events like the fete, show how much can be achieved when we pull together.

We are called to be God’s hands and feet in this world. There are so many ways we can serve Him and His people. We are a community with the sole purpose of showing God’s love to those around us. As a church, let us continue to find ways to help, both internationally and locally. Let us continue to give selflessly and grow in our community.

Much love in Christ
Heather P